Wednesday 1 January 2014

Why you Need to Wash and Detail your Car on a Regular Basis

Most folks make an effort to wash their cars on a regular basis, whether they do this at home in their driveways or get to a professional hand car wash service provider. Now, this is certainly a great place to start out. But, simply washing your car once in a while is never enough. It is also important that you wax the car, armor the tires as well as the interior surfaces and the entire car detailed. You might overlook the importance of all these, but if you want to keep your car in the best possible shape, regular professional washing, waxing and detailing is crucial. 

Here are a handful of reasons why you need to wash and detail your car frequently.

Keep your car looking sparkling

Most people wash their cars to keep them clean and beautiful. After all, it is embarrassing driving around in a vehicle that is covered in oil, dirt and grime, not to mention whatever other contaminants that find their way onto your car. Regular cleaning is paramount. However, over time, even washing will not be enough to remove scratches from the surface, resin spots and other dirt like birds’ droppings. So, if you want to keep your car looking its best, you need to consider adding a coat of wax to your car’s annual detailing appointments to keep it sparkling clean.

Maintain finishes

In case you do not know, the elements can be very harsh to your car, from the paint on the surface to the tires and even interior. And there is more to this than the food and drinks you drop on the seats and the mud you track on the floor mat. The dust and pollen and debris from the environment can break down the paint. In addition, the sun can dry your dash and fade away the car’s original color. However, using the right cleaning and detailing products can help protect and maintain your car’s surface by preserving the original finish and preventing damage that results from regular wear and tear. 

Prevent major degradation

Regular cleaning detailing not only allows you to preserve your car’s appearance and protect the finishes but also protect your car from damages resulting from major problems such as dings, scratches and dents. These problems can quickly turn into chipped paint or even cause rust to your car’s surface depending on weather conditions in your area. Detailing is not designed to fix such problems; however, applying temporary sealants can help protect your car while you get to the shop for a permanent solution.

Preserve your car’s resale value

In all honesty, your car is going to lose value as soon as you drive it out of the dealer’s lot, and it will continue losing value as long as you own it. However, you can preserve it’s value by keeping it in good working order with regular maintenance, and the same applies to cleaning and detailing. This will greatly count when you put up your car for sale.

Friday 13 December 2013

Why You Need to Take Regular Car Maintenance Seriously

Like with any other machinery, cars require care and regular maintenance to operate properly. One of the greatest dangers any driver and passengers can face is moving in a poorly maintained car. A car that does not receive regular and scheduled maintenance is unreliable and can malfunction while on the road possibly causing an accident. When you decide to buy or lease a car, it is important to know how often you should check the parts and replace the fluids. Every car comes with an owner’s manual that schedules the recommended maintenance, either by time or mileage.

So, what’s the big deal?

When the car is not properly maintained, it could experience malfunctions that can put the life of the driver, passengers and other road users at risk. Even a small malfunction can turn into a much bigger problem if left unattended. A car comes with hundreds of parts, all of which must work together for the car too run smoothly. An issue with one component can have a rippling effect, causing all the other parts to fail, leaving you stranded on the road or resulting into a severe accident. In addition,  a small problem is left unfixed can turn out very costly later on.

So, when should you have your checked?

The timeline for a check up depends on the auto part in question. Generally, you should drive your car in for check up after every 3000 miles. Car engine oil should be changed at each of these checkups. In addition, other fluids like break fluids, power steering and transmission fluids should also be checked for dirt and leaks. In addition, you need to check and rotate tires after 7000 miles to ensure they wear evenly. This will reduce your chances of getting a tire burst. It is important that you refer to your owner’s manual regarding these maintenances.

Most safety concerns tend to be checked yearly during the state inspection. However, serious problems can arise during the year in between inspects. It is important that you space out your car maintenance throughout the year to boost your chances of identifying and nipping potential problems in the bud. For your information, preventive maintenance can save you a lot of money in the long run.

When you drive your car in for maintenance or inspection, the mechanics working on your car will be responsible for ensuring that all the problems are detected and appropriately replaced. If you take your car for car maintenance Ontario, CA. be sure to enlist the services of a qualified and certified mechanic.

The Benefits of a Hand Car Wash

These days, cars are a lot more than just means of moving from one point to the next. They are an essential and intimate part of life. Your car reflects your personality, character and interests. You choose your gasoline based on which brand will help you extend your engine life. You invest in seat covers to protect the upholstery, and sun shades to protect your dashboard. And like most people, chances are your car has a name! But, despite the intimate attachment that we have with our automobiles, most people tend to neglect the important task of keeping their cars clean. This is where Russell Fischer Luxury Car Care Centers of Orange County comes in. 

You are probably one of those folks who are in the habit of washing your car at home. Well, you need to think twice before hauling out a sponge and a bucket next time. In Orange County it is not only against the law to wash your car at home but if improperly done, you can cause more damage to your car’s exterior than you can imagine. The paint and grit that clings to the paint can easily cause scratches. Using the wrong kind of sponge or soap can also cause damage to the car, especially by dulling the color. Worse still, the grim that builds up can over time can also cause corrosion. Now, this might seem like a mere aesthetic problem, however, a car with a lackluster exterior will certainly have a depreciated resale value. Given the amount of money you have put in to ensure that your car runs smoothly, it does make perfect sense protecting your car’s exterior through proper cleaning. 

Getting a professional hand car wash service is not just good for your car, it is great for the environment. You probably understand that fresh water is becoming a rare commodity. On average, a professional hand car wash uses about 50 percent less water than it will take you to wash your car at home plus our facilities recycle all wash water keeping harmful containments out of our oceans and water supply. 

So, why choose a hand wash over an automated wash for your car? Well, the answer lies in attention to detail that comes with professional hand car wash. Nothing will ever get your car cleaner than a person dedicated to working on the car with his two hands. In addition, some of the circular scrubbers and brushes used by automated washes can cause abrasion to your car. A good hand wash is gentle enough to protect your car’s paint and ensure that everything, from the headlights to bumper, comes out sparkling clean.